And then, of course, there are tools within tools. I'm creating the post from the comfort of a recliner at about five in the morning (MDT), using -- excuse me, a spider just crawled on my foot -- an iPad app called BlogPress.
Mobile blogging provides a number of challenges -- see my friend Victoria Dixon's creative solution on her blog. From smart phones, the biggest is probably a size thing. Both screen and keyboard are tiny. Tablets have more real estate to work with but often don't play well with the wysiwyg editors on most blog software. This is where the power of BlogPress comes into play.

It supports eleven popular blogging/content platforms (see illustration) with a standard user interface that supports images and limited HTML, with the ability to post an article on multiple platforms simultaneously. It can automatically send Twitter and Facebook notifications on publication.
I'm using it on Blogger (where you're currently reading), WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Live Journal.
I must admit that I haven't looked beyond the Blogger app for Android devices. With the tiny keyboard, I won't be doing much phone blogging.
The BlogPress app is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore via your computer or device.
- Posted using BlogPress from Padrig the iPad